Monday, December 15, 2008

Sugar Poisioning

A few widely quoted studies indicate that we Americans consume about 150 pounds of sugar a year. I think I consumed that much yesterday. But the over-indulgence was for a very good cause: By popular demand, I am attempting to re-create my mother's fudge recipe. This requires considerable tasting, right? And I made several batches, each with a slightly different ingredient list or cooking temperature. I think I hit on the right combination yesterday, but that didn't stop me from popping open the tin box at 6 a.m. today and fudging out for a pre-breakfast snack.

Scientific research notwithstanding, a bucket of sugar before sunrise almost negates the need for coffee. How sick is that???? And I packed a small snack bag for a midday fix as well, thereby ensuring a daylong ride on the blood sugar rollercoaster. Go, pancreas, go!

I hope I'm not in DTs when I meet my friends for dinner tonight, and that my insulin production can keep up with the demand, not to mention the damage all that sugar will cause to my already bulky body. Meanwhile, I'm thinking that a great resolution for 2009 is avoidance of sugar....might require a stint in rehab, but it's worth considering.

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