Friday, December 12, 2008


I thought I would hate it, but in actuality, not so much. Along with the rest of the country, D and I are trying to be much more cost-conscious and well, frugal. Yes, we are both blessed with jobs that seem to be stable, but who knows? But there's one thing that is for certain: we're getting on up there in years, and our retirement nest egg is rapidly scrambling. We're trying to pay off our house. . . sooner rather than later. So, we're slashing and burning and trying to live a well-provisioned life, but this time, without the frills and waste. Without going into the details that are all too familiar to everyone. . .more careful and judicious habits in food shopping and errand-running are paying positive dividends. We are Costco junkies, and while there may seem to be some value in buying bagged salad by the metric ton, there's not much savings to be had when more than half of the bag turns brown & slimy after we've eaten all the salad we can eat.

This is the first year I haven't plunked down a small fortune on 'new' Christmas paper and wrapping supplies. Nope, in the interest of reducing waste and increasing savings, I've plundered the vast accumulation of holiday wrap & bags from years past, all stored in huge plastic bins stacked head high in our attic. So, if you're getting a gift from me, chances are the wrapping is vintage, dating back to ohmigod the Turn of the Century!!! Oh my....the sacrifices we make!

D has turned down the thermostat, and our standard setting now is 64 degrees. At least that's the temperature near the thermostat, in a cozy hallway right outside the kitchen on the southeastern side of our house. Now let's head over to the bathroom over on the shady northwestern side of the house, with all those exposed walls. I think I saw my breath condense in the bathroom one cold morning as I undressed for the shower. I don't mind piling on extra clothes for chores, cooking, and hanging out, but that's just not an option at shower time. We may have to rethink our frugality in that area.

And one more area: paper products. We have been scandalous in our use of paper towels to the degree that I will probably be flamed for admitting it. But honest, Officer, I don't know where they go. . .they just...disappear. Surely we aren't using them to clean, cuz we don't clean that much. More investigation is needed. Please let me know if you see any thieves walking around with rolls of Bounty stuffed in their jackets--those are probably ours.

Having said all that, we (as a family and as a society) have it so damn good! I'm whining about Christmas wrapping paper when 95% of the world worries about disease, not having enough to eat, or a roof over their heads. After another big thank you for all my many blessings, I'll shut up & move on. (hold your applause).

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